she:works > Data protection declaration for applicants

Data protection declaration for applicants

Dear applicant, the General Data Protection Regulation, which has been in force since May 2018, provides for extended information obligations. We therefore inform you – in compliance with legal regulations – about the data processing we carry out as part of your application.

Data processing as part of the application process

We process your personal data mentioned in the appendix in order to carry out the application process with you and to ensure optimal staffing within our entire organization (including specialist organizations). We do this on the legal basis of our overriding legitimate interest in carrying out an efficient application process (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR) and on the basis of the necessity to carry out pre-contractual measures (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR). We collect this data as part of the application process either by you providing it to us (for example by sending us your CV by e-mail) or by us collecting it ourselves (for example by taking notes during the interview).

You are not obliged to provide us with your personal data. However, if you do not do this, we will not be able to carry out the application process with you.

Transmission of your personal data

As part of the application process, we will transfer your data to our IT service provider for the corresponding IT processing ordered.

As part of our field of activity (promotion and training of women and migrants to improve the situation on the labor market, in particular in connection with training, adult education and further education), we regularly place applicants with our contractual partners or the relevant institutions. In this context, we carry out the pre-selection of application documents and interviews with the applicants and take care of the coordination of interview dates. We will pass on your application data to our contractual partners.

Storage duration

Your data will be stored by us for seven months from the date of completion of an unsuccessful application process. The storage period is based on the period of six months from rejection of the application to assert claims plus one month for potential legal action.

It is also possible to store the data for up to 18 months, provided that you have consented to this longer storage period by means of a separate declaration of consent.

If your application is successful, we will retain your data collected in connection with the application process for as long as there are statutory retention obligations or as long as any legal claims are not yet time-barred.

Your rights in connection with personal data

Under applicable law, you are entitled, among other things (subject to the requirements of applicable law),

    a. to check whether and which personal data we have stored about you and to receive copies of this data,

    b. to request the rectification, completion or erasure of your personal data that is incorrect or not processed in accordance with the law,

    c. to require us to restrict the processing of your personal data,

    d. under certain circumstances, to object to the processing of your personal data or  to revoke any consent given for the processing,span,  such revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the processing until revocation,

    e. to request data portability,

    f. know the identity of third parties to whom your personal data is transferred; and (vii) lodge a complaint with the data protection authority.

You can reach us using the following contact details:

Responsible person:

She:work GmbH

Fröbelstraße 16 | 4020 Linz

0732 90 80 71 |

Data Protection Officer:

Arnold Redhammer +43 66475053339

Status: July 2023